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SAI Level One Therapist Modules

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- Trauma Informed Assessment & Intervention: A Practical Approach to Sensory Trauma and Complex Trauma

Hybrid Course​​


- Use of SAI Assessment and Clinical Formulation Tools, For therapists*


- The SAI Fidelity Measure


All of these courses are required for Level One Certification.







Announcing Course Changes for 2025

In our desire to produce and deliver training that keeps apace with research and reflects the current clinical needs of Therapists, we are amalgamating the Therapist Modules: A Trauma Informed Approach to Touch and A Trauma Informed Approach to Postural Control and Praxis. 


The new course title is:  

Trauma Informed Clinical Assessment and Intervention: A Practical Approach to Sensory Trauma and Complex Trauma.


Key Changes: 

This module will update SAI Theory and Practice in line with applied neuroanatomy, sensory processing, trauma, and attachment research. 


Case Study: the format will be that course participants split into 2 groups and chose who will video a case study. There is a four-month period in which the group meet to discuss the case. The group jointly analyses the video footage and assessment documents and presents their findings on the last day of the course. A half day is given to each case study. The trainer reviews the case study findings with course participants. This process supports and enhances therapists’ SAI clinical formulation and intervention skills.


Past participants in previous training courses found this approach really helped to consolidate their learning, and the therapists who videoed their case study found it beneficial in helping them with their complex case.


Therapists who individually work on and successfully submit a case study, post training, will receive a certificate of competency in the administration of SAI clinical assessment tools and in SAI trauma informed practice.


Previous Course Participants.

Therapists who have done one or both previous Therapist Modules, including those who haven't done the case study element please contact  We are keen to support your SAI practice and continuing professional development.

This seven-day hybrid course will consider the traumatic impact of sensory processing difficulties on the self-regulation and co-regulation process and the impact of insecure attachment and trauma on sensory processing.


It will consist of three elements:

1. Introduction to Applied Neuroanatomy, An Integrative Review


2. Assessment

3. Intervention


Entry Requirements
◊ Qualified Occupational Therapists or Physiotherapists.

◊ Attendance at a University accredited foundation and neuroscience module in Sensory Integration (SI).

◊ ONE of the following courses:
- ‘Attachment: Parent Child Relationships: An Integrative Response to
Assessment and Intervention’ with Attachment Works.
- Any of the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) courses. See the Family
Relations Institute for details.
- ‘Child Attachment & Play Assessment’ Module 1, with CAPA.

◊ ONE of the following courses:
- ‘SAI for Adults & Adolescents.’
- ‘Introduction to SAI: The Impact of Developmental Trauma and Insecure
Attachment on Sensory Processing.’




SAI Assessment, Formulation and Report Writing


  • The Sensory Arousal Attachment Physiological Profile (SAAP) Questionnaire.

  • Levels of Self-Regulation (LOSR) Chart.

  • SAI Impact Chart & SAI Clinical Intervention (Clinical Formulation) Chart.


This course will train therapists in the use of SAI assessment & clinical formulation tools and provide a structure for writing summary and full-length reports. These can be used as a template for Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy Reports which provide an evaluation on the developmental impact of trauma on children, young people and their Carers.


Entry Requirements

  • Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists working in LAC, CAMHS  or Forensic Mental Health Services. 

Completion of the following courses:

  • 'Introduction to SAI: The Impact of Developmental Trauma and Insecure Attachment on Sensory Processing'

and completion of ONE of the following courses:

  • 'Attachment: Parent Child Relationships: An Integrative Response to Assessment and Intervention' with Attachment Works 

  • Any of the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) courses. See the Family Relations Institute for details​

  • ‘Child Attachment & Play Assessment’ Module 1, with CAPA.  See


New dates will be added subject to declaration of interest. If you would like to attend this training please get in touch with us at:


Therapists who have previously attended the Assessment & Clinical Formulation Tools Course may apply to attend the report writing element of the new combined course. Course Fee £25.

The SAI Fidelity Measure


This two-day course will explore The SAI Fidelity Measure, Structure and Process elements required to ensure your practice is consistent with SAI philosophy and therapeutic principles. It will use case studies to bring together theory and practice. Participants will be shown how to chart, interpret and document assessment findings and learn the principles of intervention planning when working in multidisciplinary environments e.g. schools, residential settings.


Entry Requirements

  • Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists working in LAC, CAMHS  or Forensic Mental Health Services. 

Completion of the following courses:

  • 'Introduction to SAI: The Impact of Developmental Trauma and Insecure Attachment on Sensory Processing'

and completion of ONE of the following courses:

  • 'Attachment: Parent Child Relationships: An Integrative Response to Assessment and Intervention' with Attachment Works 

  • Any of the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) courses. See the Family Relations Institute for details​

  • ‘Child Attachment & Play Assessment’ Module 1, with CAPA. 







"It was inspiring to be back thinking about SAI theory and practice."


"Information relevant to my work."


"My main questions that I wanted answered was about what  I am realistically able to do in terms of implementing SAI in my current work place and in my current level of training. The fidelity course provided me with clarity on both these points." 


"Enjoyed the discussions."


Open for booking


Dates: 20th, 21st March 2025


Course Organiser: SAI Centre


Capacity: 16


Fee: £400 


To book contact:


Download flyer here


Open for booking


Dates: 13th, 14th Novemeber 2025


Course Organiser: SAI Centre


Capacity: 16


Fee: £400 


To book contact:


Download flyer here

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