SAI Australian Courses

On Site
Open for booking
Dates: 27th, 28th, 29th August 2025 (onsite)
Course Organiser: Sensory Connections
Venue: Parkville, Melbourne
Fee: $1500
Course Tutors: Chris West & Angela Tieman
To book contact:
​For more information download flyer here
Find out more about the course with our
Tues 28th Jan 4.50-5.30 AEDT (5.30am GMT) Eventbrite here
Friday 7th March 8.30am AEDT (which is Thursday 6th March 9.30pm GMT)
The Impact of Developmental Trauma and Insecure Attachment on Sensory Processing.
This three-day course will look at the theories that provide the framework for SAI. Emphasis will be on the impact of trauma on sensory processing, and on the capacity for self and co-regulation.
Participants will learn the neurosequential approach to intervention; that is, when it is most effective to use interventions such as narrative work, play therapy, and education.
They will learn the principles of up-regulation and down-regulation to enable physiological adaptation for social engagement and academic learning.
To book a place on a course please contact:
Introduction to SAI
SAI for Adults & Adolescents
This course trains therapists in the use of Sensory Attachment Intervention with adults and adolescents.
This course introduces Sensory Attachment Intervention (SAI). It trains therapists in the use of the Just Right State Programme (JRS) for Adults and Adolescents, and in the use of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Profile Questionnaire. SAI looks at the process of regulation and co-regulation from an integrative and neurosequential perspective.
The Just Right State Programme can be used with individuals, groups or families. It focuses on developing the capacity for self-regulation, co-regulation and reflective functioning. The Just Right State Programme was developed for individuals who struggled to participate in intervention programmes because of their incapacity to regulate their emotional states.The Autonomic Nervous System Profile Questionnaire is a self-report questionnaire that looks at indicators of stress, survival behaviour responses and self-regulating behaviours.It is an exploratory tool for use with individuals to help formulate their regulating needs.
Course Handbook includes; assessment tools, and the Just Right State manual and JRS intervention pack.
Entry Requirements
Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists working in LAC, CAMHS or Forensic Mental Health Services.
OTs and Physios may do the SAI for Adults and Adolescents instead of the 3-day Introduction to SAI.
For any enquiries please contact: